The Evangelist Speaks

by Evangelist Carolyn Griffin

Taking A Look At Fasting - Part II
Reasons To Fast

Subjects, such as fasting, lead to many questions and many discussions. The responses to our last article on fasting let us know that much study and teaching are needed on the subject. We are not attempting to answer all of the questions about fasting, but we are writing articles with the hope that we will all be stirred to study more about fasting and incorporate it more into our lives as believers.

Fasting subdues or denies the flesh to allow our spirit to be strengthened. Prayer must always accompany a biblical fast. Fasting places a limit on regular activities that limit prayer. We regain self-control through self-denial. A willing spirit is often hindered by weak flesh. As we fast, the flesh becomes stronger and is able to withstand temptations and the lusts of this world; the spirit man also gains strength and is empowered for spiritual warfare.

 Fasting is also a means of clarifying and refocusing our attention on spiritual goals. It is a way of refining our spiritual longings. We are reminded of our God given dreams and visions that we sometimes forget during times of busyness. As we tune in to the Holy Spirit during times of fasting, He awakens desires in us that we will long to satisfy; desires for righteousness, holiness, humility, more effective witnessing, more fruitful service and intimate communion with God.  

Fasting is a way to turn off trivial and internal noise, it clears our minds for the One whose ways are not our ways and whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts. It cuts through the mental clutter that prevents effective communication with God. Time spent alone with God in fasting and prayer allows us to: Hear Him more Clearly, Love Him more Dearly, and Follow Him more Nearly, every day of our lives.   

Scriptures give us many biblical reasons to fast. Today, we’ll list a few: 

1.     To worship, love and glorify God (Luke 2:37; Zechariah 7:5; Isaiah 58:2)

2.     To intensify the effectiveness of our prayers (Ezra8:23; Isaiah 58;9; Judges 20:26)

3.     To seek wisdom and guidance (Jeremiah 29:13, Daniel 10:1-3; Acts 13:3, 14:23)

4.     To express repentance (Leviticus 16:29-31; Jonah 3:5-8; I Samuel 7:6; Acts 9:9)

5.     To teach ourselves humility and deepen our dependence upon God (Psalms 35:13, 69:10)

6.     To rededicate our lives to the Lord (Joel 2:12)

7.     To train our bodies to yield to our spirits (I Corinthians 9:27)

8.     To hasten physical healing (Isaiah 58:8)

9.     To respond to times of great crisis and seek deliverance (2 Chronicles 20:3-4; Esther 4:16)

10. To overcome strong temptations and strengthen obedience to God (Luke 4:1-12)

11. To express concern for the work of God (Nehemiah 1:1-4)

12. To devote time to witnessing and soul winning (John 4:4-34)


Prayerfully, we won’t just read this article, but we’ll devote some time to studying the discipline of fasting. We’ll continue our study next time.