The Evangelist Speaks

by Evangelist Carolyn Griffin

Understanding Spiritual Gifts

  Christians often say, “I’m not sure of my purpose in the church. I know I need to do something, but I’m not sure what.” Therefore many become good tithe paying pew members, having no desire to exercise the spiritual gifts they have been given. Many say, “I have no spiritual gifts, I can’t do things in the church like he or she does.” We must understand that every born again believer has been given at least one spiritual gift.  Understanding our spiritual gifts and learning to use them properly should be the desire of every Christian. As I think about Spiritual Gifts, I know that this will become a series of articles. I pray that they will cause us to become better teachers and students on the subject. As we learn more, prayerfully, we will do more, and the Body of Christ will grow more.  We must first understand what we have, then how to use what we have to be a blessing to the church and to others. Let me emphasize that the use of Spiritual Gifts is not a competition or an opportunity to boast or brag on ourselves.  Paul teaches in I Corinthians chapter 12:4-6: There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all.  1. Spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 12) 2. Administrations by Jesus Christ. (Ephesians  4)  3. Operations by God the Father. (Romans 12)

   As we study the above scriptures and many others in God’s Word, we find that our Spiritual Gifts are given for the Body of Christ and they can help our local church bodies to grow. When the local church grows and is strengthened, the Body of Christ also grows and is strengthened. I often study and teach using the teachings of C. Peter Wagner on spiritual gifts. By using his teachings, those of others that God has gifted, and most importantly the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I have come to understand that if we as Christians understood and used our spiritual gifts properly, we could truly change the world. Seeking to understand our gifts will cause us to seek the Giver of all gifts even more. The Godhead, Three in One; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, has equipped the church for the work of the ministry. We must discover our gifts and teach others to do the same. We must use them properly if we want to see the Kingdom of God advanced.  For too long, many have thought that spiritual gifts are only for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers. These are gifts given by Christ in Ephesians chapter 4 for the perfecting of the saints and the edifying of the Body of Christ. Persons with these five-fold ministry gifts should be helping to teach other members about their spiritual gifts and their importance in the Body of Christ. Great leaders need others with the gifts of helps and administrations, along with all of the other spiritual gifts, to build an effective ministry.

You need to know about Spiritual Gifts if:  1. You are a Christian; 2. You believe that Jesus is your Lord and you want to love Him and follow Him in the best way possible;  3. You want your church to be a healthy, attractive, growing group of people showing forth God’s love in your community.  4. You want your ministry to work with others in the Body of Christ in Kingdom Building.

Paul admonishes us not to be ignorant about spiritual gifts. The same instructions that he gave the church at Corinth are needed in our churches today. We desperately need teaching just as they did. There is no excuse for our ignorance. Ignorance of spiritual gifts is one of the chief causes for the lack of church growth. It is also the cause of much of the discouragement, insecurity, frustration and guilt that plagues many Christians and hinders their total effectiveness for God.  This study comes as a request from many of our readers and the prompting of the Holy Spirit that this is the time for it. This will be a marathon and not a sprint. Let’s study and grow together in our churches and in the Body of Christ.